Friday, February 27, 2009

Obama's Folly

It’s so tragic, Obama is a leader with a fine liberal social agenda but simply too financially liberal and ambitious. I simply can’t agree with his solution and main agenda; health care, the economy, education and the environment.

1. Health care. So everyone has insurance or other access to health care? There is already a shortage of supply…that is doctors and other care providers. You simply can’t increase demand without increasing supply. And it’s the fault of the providers and politics like the AMA, ADA and others. Increase the supply of doctors and dentists and fees will go down allowing people to afford health care. It’s called free market capitalism.

2. The Economy. This is nothing but $800 billion of pork. And it’ll be just like the last infusion and another $800 billion in 6 months. Let’s let free market capitalism take over and discover the real prices of homes and etc.

And as far as the banks and other corporate greed, once we change the corporate laws to give the stakeholder back his rights we will have millions of shareholders riding herd on corporate America rather than a few corrupt government bureaucrats. See Fixing Wall Street and Washington DC:

3. Education. While education is a good thing the problem is not the lack of money. The problem is the bureaucratic, top heavy and Federally mandated agenda. Get the Feds out of education and turn it back to the states. Not only that, education only has a payoff 10, 20 and 30 years forward, this will do nothing to solve our current crisis.

4. The Environment. With most of the environmental issues were going off half cocked with only half the science and all the hype. This is going to be a very deep rat hole with tremendous waste until we have the definitive solutions.

For example: Global Warming Hubris: Carbon Credit Market is a "Feel-Good About Polluting" SCAM, Nothing More:

The carbon offset market is FINALLY being shown to be a huge fraud that takes provides those with a guilty conscience (about contributing to the world's carbon emission problem) a "feel-good" solution that ultimately does nothing. This is really dumb. And now some in the media seem to be treating the carbon market with a bit of well-earned skepticism.

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